More Secure Trading

High stakes mark communication in the Stock Markets. Information regarding one company’s trading, margin, exposure, entry, and exist points, can be enough to affect prices in the sector instantly – causing a domino effect that can influence stock markets and national economies. The global scope of operations calls for communicating freely, regardless of borders.

Client | Online Trading Brokers
Skills | Secure Mobile Communications
Trading | Forex, Stocks, Commodities
  • Determine the right inventory level:
    The teams focused their efforts on a few of the highest-value S&OP levers in order to review the current planning process, identify gaps in the planning infrastructure and analytically understand demand and supply variability.
  • Optimize the supply chain for perfect order planning:
    The diagnostic determined the stressors that affected sales and service levels. The teams focused on resolving issues related to higher-than-normal back-orders and lead times, which stressed the entire supply chain and led to delays in medications reaching consumers.

The Problem

The challenges in the Online Trading industry are similar to those faced by companies in the Energy sector. Securing communications is a must due to the nature of the shared information. So is the necessity to use devices that can resist hacking attempts. There are several extra pain points added by frequent traveling:

  • Local carriers and, by extension, foreign governments can access the communications data if it’s not encrypted.
  • Carriers have access to metadata about the communications: the time a message was sent, to whom it was sent, from what specific location, etc.
  • Carriers can locate a person by monitoring which cell tower their device is connected to at any given moment.
  • They can also push software, including malware, on the device.
  • Network operators can hamper communication by cutting off a specific device’s access to the network.

The Solution

Naturally, a security-weary traveler has to seek a way to remove local network operators from the equation. And if they are not able to do that – at least hamper the carriers’ ability to access communications by encrypting them. With Woohoo Secure’s solutions, we offer a use-ready device for many of the challenges outlined above:

  • Leverage the instant connectivity and unlimited data coverage worldwide that the Secure multi-IMSI SIM card provides. Due to the card having multiple IMSIs, it can switch between providers to offer the best signal.
  • Remain connected even if a carrier decides to shut down its network for a user.
  • Secure all incoming and outgoing communications and the device’s storage with state-of-the-art encryption.
  • Avoid wiretapping attempts through IMSI-catchers thanks to the network monitoring system in SAS.

Woohoo Secure has gained considerable experience within Capital Markets over the last 15 years. Our vast knowledge understanding current trading environments and trading technology such as both Meta Trader 4 & 5 platforms, xStation, TC2000, Bloomberg Terminal and the Refinitiv Eikon platform.

Through our online trading brand Today Markets, we have an in-depth understanding in ECN / STP execution and trading plus Direct Market Access (DMA). We understand how communication between various actors within a trading Brokerage works, from support, sales, retention, dealing desk and management, Woohoo Secure identifies possible communication breaches throughout a brokerages network.