Personal FM

Personal Financial Management

EmpoweR Your Customers

Know how you spend, then help yourself do it better. With all your accounts in one place and simple, categorized transactions, you are more able to plan ahead and budget, creating financial goals for the future.

  • Financial Goals.
  • Planning & Budgeting Tools.
  • Account Aggregation.
  • Transaction Categorization.
  • Spending Analysis.

Be The New, Smarter Spender


The day-to-day of money management made easy with cash flow forecasting and financial summary tools. The Software gives visual insight about where every cent goes each month and the ability to benchmark with peers, whilst promoting smarter spending.

  • Financial Summary.
  • Cash Flow Forecast.
  • Peer Comparison.

Bespoke Banking, Without The Surprises


We eliminate the element of surprise from our customers’ financial future with personalized alerts, offers and recommendations. Anticipate and avoid potential issues whilst improving money management habits.

  • Personalized Financial Advice.
  • Financial Product.
  • Recommendations.
  • Alerts & 3rd-Party Recommendations.