Contact us

Please let us know if you have a question, want to leave a comment, or would like further information about Roche Fintech.

client inquiries

  • Ubora Office Tower, Business Bay, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
  • +353 1 211 8666
    +971 52 164 0353

Woohoo Pay inquiries

For more information regarding current merchant services, please contact:

Amanda Seyfried
Business Manager
+353 1 211 8666
+353 1 211 8666

Woohoo Secure inquiries

If you are a member of the press and would like to speak with someone at Woohoo Secure, please contact:

Donald Simpson
Senior Marketing Manager
+353 1 211 8666
+353 1 211 8658
Financial technology is the technology and innovation that aims to compete with traditional financial methods in the delivery of financial services.

It is an emerging industry that uses technology to improve activities in finance.

A history of tactical, application-specific workload automation has left many organisations with relatively expensive and inefficient multi-vendor WLA silos.