European Economics Preview

Flash consumer price data from Germany and final manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ survey results from major euro area economies are due on Tuesday, headlining a busy day for the European economic news.

At 3.00 am ET, manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ survey results are due from Poland and Turkey. Also, the Czech GDP data is due.

At 3.15 am ET, IHS Markit is slated to issue Spain’s manufacturing PMI data. Economists expect the factory PMI to drop marginally to 56.1 in February from 56.2 in the previous month.

At 3.45 am ET, Italy’s factory PMI survey results are due. The manufacturing PMI is seen at 58.0 in February versus 58.3 a month ago. Thereafter, final PMI survey results are due from France and Germany at 3.50 am and 3.55 am ET, respectively.

At 4.00 am ET, IHS Markit is scheduled to issue eurozone final manufacturing PMI data.

Half an hour later, the Bank of England releases mortgage approvals data for January. The number of mortgages approved in January is seen at 72,000 versus 71,020 in the previous month.

Also, UK Markit/CIPS final manufacturing PMI survey data is due.

At 5.00 am ET, Italy’s Istat is slated to release flash consumer and harmonized consumer price data.

At 8.00 am ET, Destatis is set to issue Germany’s flash consumer and harmonized consumer price data for February. Consumer price inflation is forecast to rise to 5.1 percent from 4.9 percent in the prior month.