European Economics Preview: Eurozone Flash Composite PMI Data Due

Purchasing Managers’ survey results from euro area are due on Monday, headlining a light day for the European economic news.

At 3.15 am ET, IHS Markit releases France flash Purchasing Managers’ survey results. The flash composite output index is forecast to fall to 54.5 in January from 55.8 in the previous month.

At 3.30 am ET, Germany flash composite PMI survey data is due. Economists expect the indicator to drop to 49.2 in January from 49.9 a month ago.

Half an hour later, IHS Markit is scheduled to issue Eurozone flash PMI report. The composite output index is seen at 52.6 in January, down from 53.3 a month ago.

At 4.30 am ET, UK Markit/CIPS composite PMI survey results are due. Economists forecast the index to rise to 55.0 in January from 53.6 in December.

At 6.00 am ET, Bundesbank is set to issue monthly report.