European Economics Preview: UK Public Sector Finance Data Due

Public sector finances from the UK and consumer confidence from Germany are due on Tuesday, headlining a light day for the European economic news.

At 2.00 am ET, the Office for National Statistics releases UK public sector finance data for November. The budget deficit is forecast to narrow to GBP 16 billion from GBP 18.8 billion in October.

In the meantime, the market research group GfK is scheduled to release Germany’s consumer confidence survey results. The forward-looking consumer sentiment index is expected to fall to -2.7 in January from -1.6 in December.

At 3.00 am ET, economic tendency survey results from Sweden and gross wages from Hungary are due.

At 4.00 am ET, Italy’s Istat is set to publish industrial turnover data. Also, retail sales figures from Poland are due.

At 6.00 am ET, the Confederation of British Industry releases UK Distributive Trades survey results. The retail sales balance is expected to fall to 13 in December from 39 in November.