European Economics Preview: Germany Factory Orders Data Due

Factory orders data from Germany is due on Monday, headlining a busy day for the European economic news.

At 2.00 am ET, Destatis is slated to issue Germany’s factory orders data for October. Orders are forecast to fall 0.5 percent on month, reversing a 1.3 percent rise in September.

At 3.00 am ET, the Czech Statistical Office releases retail sales for October. Economists expect sales to grow 4 percent annually, following a 3.6 percent rise in September.

At 3.30 am ET, Germany’s construction Purchasing Managers’ survey data is due. Half an hour later, October retail sales figures are due from Italy. Sales had advanced 0.8 percent on month in September.

At 4.30 am ET, UK Markit/CIPS construction PMI data is due. Economists forecast the index to fall to 52.0 in November from 54.6 in the previous month.

In the meantime, Eurozone Sentix investor confidence survey results are due. The sentiment index is seen at 15.9 in December versus 18.3 a month ago.