Banking & Financials

Information in the financial industry is of high value across the board. This creates a situation where every part of it is a potentially lucrative target. This threat model suggests a holistic approach to cybersecurity that leaves no attack surfaces uncovered. Regarding communications, protecting the exchanged information is of fundamental importance for both clients and financial institutions.

The Problem

Due to the constant exchange of high-value information in this sector, it has become a preferred target for cybercriminals. The latter have adopted increasingly sophisticated, multi-step attacks that use an arsenal of techniques to extract pieces of data from various points. Once pieced together, this data can be used to inflict severe financial and reputational damage.

  • Protecting data from such attacks calls for a holistic approach to cybersecurity which leaves no attack surface uncovered.
  • Communications are always under threat of eavesdropping and interception due to the nature of shared information.
  • Constant attempts to impersonate clients, steal their credentials, and get to even more valuable data.
  • Phishing and spear-phishing attacks against bank employees and clients to steal credentials, infect devices with malware.


More likely to be attacked compared to other industries.


Exposed sensitive files in the financial sector in 2019 alone.


Of financial institutions suffered a destructive cyber attack in 2019.


Experienced a security incident in the last 12 months.

The Solution

Woohoo Secure has a range of products that offer strong resistance against online and offline hacking attempts and enterprise-level solutions that can facilitate secure communications within an institution. Banks and financial institutions can:

  • Use our encrypted apps suite to ensure the confidentiality of communications.
  • Secure mobile devices against physical tampering through complex authentication algorithms and triple password protection employed by our software to guarantee the identity of the user.
  • Benefit the security-hardened design to withstand malware, phishing attacks, and compromise of software.
  • Reduce the attack surface of the encrypted mobile devices. Through our mobile device management solution – Secure Administration System (SAS), admins can granularly control features and policies.
  • Deploy our solutions on the organization’s infrastructure, ensuring higher system integrity and data security. The technique helps banks and financial institutions establish control over internal sensitive communication, and visibility into various user groups.